CIP-1694 Digest: Unveiling the latest MVG Developments

4 min

Global Community CIP-1694 Workshops

Progress Towards Minimum Viable Governance

Over the last six months, the Cardano community actively collaborated on building the next era of minimum viable governance (MVG) through a series of 50 global community workshops that concluded with a final convening in Edinburgh, Scotland. Check out this video recap to learn more about the positive conversations and progress towards enhanced MVG that happened in Edinburgh.

Technical Updates:

Currently Implementing…

  • Formal Ledger Specification for CIP-1694 in Agda. Specifications and proofs are available here.
  • The Haskell Implementation of CIP-1694 (Conway Ledger Era). To contribute, download the source code, compile and run tests, and provide feedback in Github. Through the New Ledger API, users can create tools and libraries in Haskell and thus bypass heavyweight cardano-api when working with Cardano Ledger. Visit the source code and any relevant documentation.

CIP-95 Update


A proposal designed to empower ada holders with a voice by way of voting capabilities. During a tooling hackathon event in Edinburgh, a general consensus among participants was achieved around prior Open Question decisions, ratifying the proposal’s base design. Participants agreed on four key changes regarding CIP-95:

  1. Moving DRep Key definitions into a separate proposal, allowing CIP-95 to focus solely on the wallet-web bridge API.
  2. Generalizing and simplifying transaction signing endpoints for wallet implementation. See Github for more details.
  3. Removing the prescriptive transaction inspective. Such inspections should be decided by wallet implementer, not CIP-95.
  4. Introducing an updated signData method that enables tooling to verify the identity of DReps via their wallet connections.

A new commit on CIP-1694

Cardano’s on-chain governance design, through CIP-1694, continues to advance and has had a further update. It comes directly out of community engagement via the Edinburgh workshop held in July and includes:


A proposal designed to revise Cardano’s existing governance system into an on-chain, decentralized governance mechanism for the age of Voltaire.

  1. Add support for a proposal policy
  2. All governance actions are now enacted one epoch after they have been ratified
  3. Design changes
  4. Move the DRep restrictions in the optional section; adding new optional ideas
  5. Rename protocol parameters for consistency
  6. Smaller changes and clarifications
  7. Add Changelog
  8. To comment further, contribute directly on the

Introducing SanchoNet and developer opportunities

First introduced to the community in Edinburgh, SanchoNet is the playground for testing features of CIP-1694 in a unique testnet environment. SanchoNet, a Development Network (DevNet) tailored for the Voltaire era of Cardano, will soon be rolled out in phases on Cardano Node 8.2.0 with the aim to enrich user capabilities on Cardano and facilitate a more dynamic governance experience. If you’d like to find out more and participate, head over to IOG’s technical Discord server and the dedicated SanchoNet channel.

For developers who are interested in exploring opportunities to build tooling, products and Dapps for Voltaire, we will be starting a channel on Intersect’s Discord Server. Linked to this, and unveiled in Edinburgh, Intersect will soon announce community tooling awards. These will be defined based on the global conversations held during workshops that discussed the community tools and Intersect-member input needed alongside the CIP-1694 implementation. Stay tuned for more updates!